I've always wanted my photography education on here to be free, so although there is no paywall to any of my -Technique Tuesdays-, any and all support is greatly appreciated. ❤️
PLUS: Donate any amount and I’ll send you a link to the hi-res print version of my studio lighting book.
PLUS: Donate any amount and I’ll send you a link to the hi-res print version of my studio lighting book. ||
Avoid the Adobe Price Increase
This is a very brief PSA so I won’t be talking about by Adobe is desperate for a quick injection, but if you’re someone who pays around $9.99 a month for the Adobe and Lightroom 20GB package, your price is about to go up on January 15th.
Here’s how to avoid that and below is how to keep that same price. The only downside is that you’ll have to pay for your year in advance and you won’t be able to pay monthly for that grandfathered-in price.
I just did this myself 2 minutes ago, I grabbed some screenshots of what’s involved so take a look below if you’re interested.
Step 1
Open up the Creative Cloud app on your system.
Typically, the symbol is found in the top right of your desktop on a Mac, and it is that cloud/infinity-shaped symbol.
Step 2
This will open up your Creative Cloud app pop-up. Next, you’ll need to click on the ‘Manage Account’ in the top right.
Step 3
This should automatically open up the Adobe Account in your browser. You’re looking for the Manage Plan button. Mine was on the bottom left.
Step 4
Next, you’ll want to find the ‘Update Subscription’. Remember that the only way to keep your current price is to pay annually so you're not actually looking to change your plan. *Others have mentioned that this button is also called ‘Manage Commitment’ in some regions. All have been the button alongside the notepad and pencil icon though.
Step 5
The text will change, giving you the option to pay annually. Double-check this, but it should be your current monthly price (currently $9.99), multiplied by 12 and as you see here, mine changes to $119.
Step 6
Lastly, it should pop up asking you to confirm payment, etc. *I just paid my £9.99 monthly fee earlier today, so that is why Adobe is refunding that after I upgraded to the annual price.
Hit ‘Agree and Subscribe’ at the bottom and your’re done.
That’s it
Once you you hit Agree, it takes a few seconds and you’re all confirmed.
Final Thoughts
My understanding is that the price changes take effect from January 15th 2025 and your next billable month after that date will reflect the new price increase. Ive seen conflicting reports, but the price for some plans is doubling so in my opinion, this annual lock in is worth doing if you can afford it.
Please look into this yourself, especially if your plan is different to the 20GB Photography Plan. I’ve just highlighted the process I went through here in the UK so this may vary from region to region. If you have any further advice or tips to add to this, please leave them in the comments below.
JHP Livestreams…
I livestream every other Tuesday night via YouTube and there I answer your questions, critique your shots, take community images into Photoshop to work on them and discuss all manner of lighting tips and techniques. I look forward to seeing you and your work there real soon. Jake Hicks Photography - YouTube