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Do clients buy our photography or our retouching?
An in-depth look at the importance of post production for clients and also how we choose to achieve it. Some photographers enjoy retouching their own images whereas others prefer to spend their time behind the lens. This article takes a look at some of the options available to them by out-sourceing your post production and some things to bear in mind if you do.
10 Things your camera bag needs - Part 1
Here we look at the first part of our photography firstaid kit. From the items you love to use to those you hope you never have too, part 1 of this article takes a look at the first five essensials my camera bag never leaves home without.
Using two lights to create incredibly flattering portraits
A Photographic technique that shows how even the harshest and hardest of light sources can be modified to produce the most flattering and diffuse results and with very little, if any, additional equipment.
Time is money...Prove it - The problem of ever increasing post production times
With digital manipulation being applied to nearly every photograph we see, what is the common perception of how long we spend working on our images when all we see is perfection. A time lapse video of a single image being retouched is also included to illustrate how post production times far out-strip shooting times.